Sunday, September 6, 2009


There are 2 Norwegians sitting in trial in Congo for a murder charge, espionage, and what have you...anyways...

These guys were shooting themselves in the leg when they even thought Congo would be a great place to start a so-called 'EVENT FIRM' where their clients would be rich and demand a certain 'background' to their days, which would often consist on 'war games' in countries that were more 'realistic'. Congo would definitely be one of those countries that would fit that description...

Everything they were planning towards went terribly wrong when their driver allegedly got killed by local militants, sadly the militants may have been a 'major part' of the Congiligan defense case to get the 2 Norwegians framed, then make sure the witnesses were also a part of this scheme and get as much money out of the oil nation Norway as possible...

The 2 Norwegians were accused of killing their driver, they also had a photo on their phone which showed how one one the accused cleaned blood from their car.. well as these guys were trained back in the day by the Norwegian army to react a certain way to blood and gory they happened to react somewhat differently then the normal everyday person would.

The trial has just finished, this week we will get the sentences, which would most likely end up being execution...

The military court in Congo only showed off one thing and that would be the poorest court proceeding people in the western world have come across. The so-called proofs where of a person pointing at a photo of Africa in 2006 which the accused had nothing to do with, the person himself almost choked on his breakfast when learning his image appeared in a court far away, in DR Congo...

To be found having gps and a cell phone with them, they were in addition accused of espionage as everyone can tell, Congo is backwards and makes the whole thing look stupid. WAKE UP CONGO, we are approaching 2010 soon....

I am not shocked over the practices over there as the whole country is corrupt and have no real leadership, and I would not recommend anyone, rich or poor to go there for pleasure either as this is a dodgy country to put your foot into...

I can only hope for my fellow Norwegians to come home soon and have a good laugh about this as to be honest this has been one big joke so far.

Tjostolv Moland and Joshua French are being marched throught the streets of Kisangani by military forces.

To every ones disappointment this case has NO international interest so not much stuff in English here...pure Norwegian...

Their fate will be revealed this week...

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