It was the 4/9/2010 it happened. I was alone with the kids as husband had been out the night before and crashed at a mate's place. Ryan, nearly 5 soon slept with me. At 4.35 the whole bed started shaking, it was so intense and I was terrified going anywhere and Ryan was too. I knew instantly it was an earthquake, however the strenght of it I was yet to find out. I wanted to pee so badly, but fear prevented me from moving out of bed, I was stiff of fear. Ryan corrected me when I told him it was an earthquake, no mummy the house was dancing!
It was a good hour before we felt safe enough to go to sleep again. Before I did so I managed to txt my mum in Norway of the quake. Then some txts never got though and she started worrying about me. She was not able to contact me so she got her sister to call me at 7:30 am to see how we were doing. it was my auntie that told me of the strength of it, 7.1 she said. In disbelief I eventually managed to gain guts to get out to see if there was any damages. There was some stuff on the floor, a broken vase. No broken walls except cracks above door frames etc. According to our local ECQ people we had no structural damages.
There were many aftershocks that followed months after the September quake. It was approx once a month a strong one was recorded.
The Xmas arrived and on boxing day a 4.8 quake struck Christchurch and further damaged already frail buildings, people rushed out of the shopping malls in panic.
2months later. 22 of February it happened again, this time to a much larger scale, 6.3 was the strength. I was at home browsing on Internet, my youngest son Sean was going down for a nap, Ryan was with me in the lounge, the I felt this sudden rolling motion that turned to violent shaking and I saw my bookshelf sway back and forth, I rushed to get Sean out of his bedroom, screamed at Ryan to get out. I ran out the gate to the footpath and collapsed whilst clinging to Sean. I was in a state of hysteria, I was screaming to passer by's that there had been an earthquake. My neighbours must have heard my screams and came out to comfort me and the kids. Then my husband arrived home and took over from there. I managed to get back inside, but it didn't take long before an after shock hit and I through myself outside, kids and hubby flew under the dining table. I don't think I was in the safest location of the house...I probably should have gone under the table too, thankfully we were spared any major damages yet again, only the vase I glued back together from the first quake broke again.
There were many people out and about in Christchurch city that were thrown around and hit by fallen debris, many have died and search and rescue are still trying to get all the bodies out of the ruins. They think the toll could reach well and truly over 200.
Many stories of survival have emerged, one man that was name the incredible hulk as he lifted concrete slabs like Lego to help people stuck under them. Many sad stories of how a mother went back into cashel street mall to retrieve her cellphone after the initial shake to check on her kids, this decision killed her.
Right now many parts of Christchurch is without power, water and sewerage, I live in Rangiora and there has been established a facebook group called the Rangiora Earthquake Express that are getting vital supplies that has been donated by people into the city via helicopter. The spirit amongst us are higher than ever, even prisoners are helping. Why does it take a disaster like this to remind us of the importance in life? Family, friends, neighbours and everyone else really. Strangers are helping strangers.
The aftershocks keeps rattling the region and people's worned out nerves. Many have fled the city, many may never return. We fled the city for 2 and a bit days, went to Wellington. My husband is back to work tomorrow so had to come back.
I have gone through a roller coaster of emotions, one moment I am happy, the next I am terrified. The I cry. It takes time to heal, it wont get better in a hurry that's for sure. My kids are used to see me cry, but they always know I will be fine. I always tell them why I am upset as I don't see why I should lie to my kids. Some may disagree, but that's just how it works in our family.